ADEPR Church High Council & Pastoral Council
ADEPR Church Appointment of members of the High Council of the ADEPR Church.
Representatives are elected by the categories of those they represent. The Executive Committee of the ADEPR Church submits twenty-one candidates to the High Pastoral Council considering categories and knowledge of experts, the High Pastoral Council examines and appoints seven of them to be part of the High Council of ADEPR. The Parish pastors, evangelists, and Deacons representing others come from Regions other than those led by Regional Pastors who are already part of the High Council of the Church through the Commissions they preside over. Appointment of the leaders of the High Council of the ADEPR Church. The High Council of the ADEPR Church is led by its Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson is appointed by voting. At the beginning of each term of office of the High Council of the ADEPR Church, the first meeting is devoted to the election of its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson. It is convened and chaired by the Rapporteur of the High Council of the ADEPR Church. One of the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson must be a woman and they are elected from the seven (7) experts that are part of the High Council of the ADEPR Church.
The High Council of the ADEPR Church is convened and chaired by its Chairperson. In case of absence, it is convened and chaired by the Deputy Chairperson. The High Council of the ADEPR The church meets in ordinary sessions twice a year. Invitations with an agenda are sent to all members at least thirty (30) days before it is held. Appointment of the leaders of the High Council of the ADEPR Church The High Council of the ADEPR Church is led by its Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson is appointed by voting. At the beginning of each term of office of the High Council of the ADEPR Church, the first meeting is devoted to the election of its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson. It is convened and chaired by the Rapporteur of the High Council of the ADEPR Church. One of the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson must be a woman and they are elected from the seven (7) experts that are part of the High Council of the ADEPR Church. Convening and chairing of the High Council of ADEPR The High Council of the ADEPR Church is convened and chaired by its Chairperson. In case of absence, it is convened and chaired by the Deputy Chairperson.
The High Council of the ADEPR Church meets in ordinary sessions twice a year. Invitations with an agenda are sent to all members thirty (30) days before it is held. Where necessary, the High Council of the ADEPR Church can convene an extraordinary meeting. However, extraordinary meetings shall not exceed two (2) in a year. Invitation to the extraordinary meeting of the High Council of the ADEPR Church is sent to all members at least seven (7) days before it is held. The High Council of the ADEPR Church convenes when at least two-thirds (2/3) of its members are present. If two-thirds (2/3) are not present, its meeting is postponed and reconvened within a period not exceeding seven (7) days. In that case, the members present meet, regardless of their number, and make decisions.
The Council may invite anybody during its meeting when it deems it necessary. The invited person attends the meeting in matters he or she is invited for without voting right in decision making.
In case the High Council of the ADEPR Church cannot meet because of extraordinary circumstances, at the request of its Rapporteur, the Chairperson, and the Deputy Chairperson provisionally adopt the action plan and budget. That decision cannot exceed three (3) months.
The term of office of the High Council of the ADEPR Church is five (5) years non-
renewable. A member representing a category or who is an ex-officio member is replaced once they cease to represent a specific category or ceases to hold office. He is replaced in the Council by his replacement for the category he represented. High Pastoral Council and its functioning High Pastoral Council The High Pastoral Council is an organ of the ADEPR Church in charge of Evangelism and the life of the ADEPR Church. It is therefore in charge of preserving and protecting the doctrine and discipline and values of the ADEPR Church. The High Pastoral Council is composed of the:
1° The Senior Pastor of the ADEPR Church who is also the Chairperson;
2° The Associate Senior Pastor of the ADEPR Church;
3° Regional Pastors.
The Executive Director of the ADEPR Church is the Rapporteur of the High Pastoral Council assisted by the Head of Human Resources and Administration as well as the Head of Finances and Projects. Rapporteurs have no voting right in decision-making.. The High Pastoral Council may invite anybody during its meetings when it deems it necessary. The invited person attends the meeting in matters he or she is invited for without voting right in decision making. Convening of the High Pastoral Council The High Pastoral Council is convened and chaired by the Senior Pastor of the ADEPR Church. In his absence, it is convened and chaired by the Associate Senior Pastor of the ADEPR Church.
The High Pastoral Council is held at least four (4) times a year and whenever necessary. The meeting is convened in writing seven (7) days before it is held. In case the Pastoral Council is about to discuss an issue regarding one of its members, when necessary, the concerned member does not temporarily participate in the meeting. In case there is a need to meet in the absence of the Senior Pastor and the Associate Senior Pastor, the meeting is convened by the Rapporteur of the High Pastoral Council and chaired by the President of the Commission for Evangelism, Ministers, and Leadership. In such a case, the meeting deals only with the item it is convened for. Responsibilities of the High Pastoral Council The High Pastoral.
Council has the following responsibilities:
1° preserving the mission, doctrine, and values of the ADEPR Church;
2° Analyzing and approving ethical and disciplinary regulations regarding Ministers;
3° Reviewing and approving ethical and disciplinary regulations of Church members;
4° to review and approve regulations governing sacred ordinances and practices of the ADEPR Church;
5° to assess and approve the establishment, dissolution, and unification of Churches, parishes, and Regions;
6° to ensure uniformity of teaching the Gospel, Worship, and Sacraments throughout the Church
7° to establish an identical way of preparing, selecting, ordaining, and supervising the ethics and discipline of ministers;
8° to elect the Senior Pastor and the Associate Senior Pastor of the ADEPR Church;
9° to appoint the Executive Director, the Head of Human Resources and Administration, and the Head of Finances and Projects of the ADEPR Church;
10° to deliberate and approve the appointment of a Regional Pastor;
11° to examine and approve the selection of pastors; to approve short-term suspension, new deployment, revocation, and dismissal of Regional Pastors in accordance with laws;
12° to assess and approve or deny the resignation of one of the Executive Committee members or Regional Pastor;
13° to assess and approve the short-term suspension, the revocation, and the dismissal of one of the Executive Committee members in accordance with Laws;
14° to assess the ADEPR Church income generating and investment projects and to verify if they support its mission and submit them to the High Council of the ADEPR Church for approval;
15° to appoint and dismiss representatives of the interests of the ADEPR Church in its businesses and investments or in other institutions where it is a shareholder;
16° to assess and approve social and economic development projects after verifying if they are in line with the ADEPR Church mission;
17° to evaluate and approve the policy regarding evangelism promotion, to sustain the life and welfare of the ADEPR Church beneficiaries;
18° to build and promote relationships and cooperation between the ADEPR Church and its partners;
19° to deliberate and approve the candidates for the ordination of pastors and to
approve the dismissal of pastoral responsibilities;
20° to respect and preserve the teaching of the gospel and unity of the ADEPR Church;
21° to assess and approve the structure of employment in the ADEPR Church;
22° to examine and approve the relocation of the head office of the ADEPR Church to another area. Commissions of the High Pastoral
Council The High Pastoral Council has four (4) Commissions enabling it to assume its responsibilities namely:
1° The Commission for Evangelism, Ministers, and Administration;
2° The Commission for Development and Social Affairs;
3° The Commission for Finance, Investment, and Property;
4° The Commission for Education, Capacity Building, Technology, and Innovation; The commission members are appointed by the High Pastoral Council which also appoints the President of the Commission who must be one of the Regional Pastors who are members of that commission and is the one who reports to the High Pastoral Council meetings whenever necessary. Appointment of experts to the Commission is based on integrity, knowledge, and experience and they serve as volunteers. The commission meets twice (2) a year and whenever necessary at the request of the High Pastoral Council.